FAbrication of Tungsten using HOt isostatic pressing and AM (Phase 2)

The original FATHOM project set a high bar, having developed new design and manufacturing routes for plasma-facing tungsten components. FATHOM2 is a bold leap forward in scaling up Additive Manufacturing (AM) and powder Hot Isostatic Pressing (HIPping) technologies to create complex, actively cooled tungsten components that are essential in nuclear fusion reactors.

Metamorphic will employ state-of-the-art computational design tools and CFD methods to develop and optimise designs for enhanced cooling efficiencies while exploring a wide array of design possibilities. Working closely with AMPLab and Tokamak Energy, we’ll be blending our design prowess with expertise in materials, advanced manufacturing processes and magnetic confinement fusion. This will ensure that our designs are not only innovative but also practical and manufacturable, aligning perfectly with the requirements of nuclear fusion technology.

FATHOM2 is funded by the UK Atomic Energy Authority (UKAEA) as part of the Small Business Research Initiative (SBRI) to encourage innovation and address challenges in the nuclear fusion industry.


